Poodle (Toy) photos

Below are photos of the Poodle (Toy) submitted to us by users of Breedia. Thank you for all your submissions. To submit your own photo, just click here.

Poodle (Toy)
Billie, owned by Yvonne Cameron in Sydney, Australia

Billie is our gorgeous chocolate Poodle (11 months old in this photo) – he is very friendly, loves a pat from everyone and I take him to work – he is happy to sit under my office desk – he is sooo loving and loves his family!

Poodle (Toy)
Fifi, owned by Brian Heathcote in London, UK

Fifi is the most adorable, loving and loved dog imaginable. So true to her breed she is very playful, greets all her family and friends, loves a cuddle, content to be groomed, rarely barks and is too clever by half.

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